John Brash BS5534 Red Graded Treated Timber Roofing Batten 25mm x 50mm

John Brash BS5534 Red Graded Treated Timber Roofing Batten 25mm x 50mm

Treated Roofing Batten 25mm x 50mm 4.8m BS5534

Roofing battens suitable to provide the fixing point for roofing materials such as shingles or tiles.

Calibrated spruce and pine roofing battens with coloured VAC-VAC treatment

Availability: In stock
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EH Smith
Travis Perkins

Roofing battens suitable to provide the fixing point for roofing materials such as shingles or tiles.

SKU 233475
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Price £5.83
Thickness 25mm
Length 4.8m
Width 50mm
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