Manthorpe Blue/Black Combination Airbrick 9in x 3in

Manthorpe Blue/Black Combination Airbrick 9in x 3in

Rytons Rytweep Clear Cavity Weep

Rytons Rytweep Clear Cavity Weep

Manthorpe Terracotta Weep Vent 9mm x 65mm x 100mm

Used to drain lintels, Cavity Trays, and to ventilate cavity walls

Please note: This item is a plastic component and therefore is not suitable for use within a) the external walls of buildings more than 11m high where people sleep on the premises (residential, institutional or hospitality) or b) external wall surfaces within 1m of the boundary if the building is 11m high or less, in England.  For a compliant alternative see Rytons A1 Fire Rated Metal Rytweep Cavity Weep Vent.

  • Has a baffled grill to help reduce the ingress of driving rain
  • Provides 220mm2 ventilation airflow
  • Replaces a single mortar joint
Availability: In stock
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Travis Perkins

Used to drain lintels, Cavity Trays, and to ventilate cavity walls

Please note: This item is a plastic component and therefore is not suitable for use within a) the external walls of buildings more than 11m high where people sleep on the premises (residential, institutional or hospitality) or b) external wall surfaces within 1m of the boundary if the building is 11m high or less, in England.  For a compliant alternative see Rytons A1 Fire Rated Metal Rytweep Cavity Weep Vent.

SKU 917287
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Price £0.67
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